Fire Services

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The Covington County Fire Services is a proud team of dedicated professionals and volunteers. Our mission is to deliver emergency services to the County of Covington and protect its well-being through preparedness, prevention, and education.
covington county alabama fireFor more information on the Covington County Fire Departments, CLICK HERE
***Dial 911 for Emergencies***
Babbie Volunteer Fire Department
22543 Babbie RD
Andalusia, AL 36420
Phone: 334-493-2747
Libertyville Fire Department
14614 Powell Rd
Andalusia, AL 36420
Phone: 334-427-8743
Red Oak Area Volunteer Fire Department
13737 AL HWY 55
Andalusia, AL 36420
Phone: 334-858-5321
Heath Volunteer Fire Department
RT 6 CO RD 70
Andalusia, AL 36420
Phone: 334-222-6073
Andalusia Fire Department
100 Church ST
Andalusia, AL 36420
Phone: 334-222-1121

Carolina Volunteer Fire Department  
11442 Jacobs Road
Andalusia, AL 36420
Phone: 334-923-1376

Florala Volunteer Fire Department
1015 4th ST
Florala, AL 36442
Phone: 334-858-5884
Gantt Area Fire and Rescue
28895 Commerce ST
Gantt, AL 36038
Phone: 334-388-3002
Lockhart Volunteer Fire Department
1548 Chippeway ST
Lockhart, AL 36455
Phone 334.858.6744
Onycha Volunteer Fire Department
25374 Indian Creek RD

Opp, AL 36467
Phone: 334-493-9154
Opp Fire Department
200 N Main ST
Opp, AL 36467
Phone: 334-493-7015
Union Grove Volunteer Fire Department
27716 Fleeta RD
Opp, AL 36467
Phone: 334-493-1188
Loango Volunteer Fire Department
102 Opp Ave
Red Level, AL 36474
Phone: 334.469.5188
Red Level Volunteer Fire Department
Fire House RD
Andalusia, AL 36420
Phone: 334-222-1155
Wing Volunteer Fire Department
964 County Road 4
Wing, AL 36483